Result election kali ni, merubah byk perkara. This is truly 'wind of change'. BA mengumpan voters dgn seribu janji, which some looks like a 'syok sendiri' promises.
And the voters, i know that some might believe them, telah percaya pada arus perubahan yg kononnya akan di bawa oleh opponents. They create their manifestos, which some looks ridiculous just to gain the votes.
And the voters, some might vote due to their emo, or some might choose not to vote are now trapped by the final results.
Yang paling menyedihkan, the young generations are being so loud, dan mereka juga mudah lupa diri. Lupa di mana asal mereka dan segala perjuangan nenek moyang mereka. They tend to forgot, segala yg diperolehi hari ini, adalah kemudahan dr pihak keraajaan, and some who further their studies, are all from gov. efforts. And not forgetting, those retired parents, mostly surviving from gov.'s policies. And a lot more to be mentioned here.
Well, i'm not a pro-gomen, but its enuf to say that i'm saddened of what happened recently. Really hope this is only on temporary.