Monday, November 28, 2011
Blogging from Patong Beach
Am blogging from Patong beach.
Lucky there's wifi connection, so I quickly take this opportunity to update my blog thru my iPod.
Hmmm, not bad ya.
Today is our 3rd day here. Basically it's a 'do nothing day' today-just took a walk around Patong beach and all it's shops. Walk thru bangla road up to Jungceylon(it's famous mall). Yup, I'm showered by my own sweat. As usual... I'm always sweat a lot, but just around my face and head, huh.
Bought few tshirts & souvenirs today. Bought a banana crepe and grilled corn.
Tonight, we're going to Phuket Fantasea. Let's see if it really worth it. It costs us almost 6000baht hoho...approximately rm600, huhu...
See ya....
Friday, November 18, 2011
Farewell Friends...
yup, me and da' boss... (pic tersenget la plak - cannot adjust lorr..)
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Kuala Kangsar - The Majestic City
MCKK was also there, it is an impressive building i would say (sorry, no pic)
Then, we drove along to the 'istana' area.

This is 'Istana Kenangan' i.e. the resting palace.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
New Octo's Gadget
So many things to share, but i'll just update whichever kind of important, huhu...
My M.A.C compacts dah nak abes, till the extend, its already terpecah2 & powdered here n there. Time for a new one.
Bought Burberry's compact.
i love its case & its texture!!
Good 'cover-up' & soft.
Love it!!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Beserah, Kuantan
Went to Beserah, Kuantan, for a breakaway.
Nothing brings us there. Its just that F has a trip to Gambang Water Park.
We went there to fetch her, then straight to Cherating. It is already almost 2pm by then. As expected, no more available rooms in good hotels around Cherating.
Note: It is just Club Med that I dont checked the other day.
Then, we move South, to Kuantan.
The only available room for the day. It is almost 4pm by then.
Not bad, it fits all of us nicely. Just that it is a bit running down, but still worth the penny, I mean, it is reasonable. For RM160++, i think its worth it.
After refreshing ourselve, the its time for dinner.
The fried rice isnt bad at all too.
Perrghhhh...memang best giler..
This is the 'udang goreng tepung' Pisang goreng pun looks exactly like this. Sah2 bancuhan tepung yg sama, hehe..
Suddenly I found out this resto is actually almost opposite of Swiss Garden Kuantan.
La....actually our hotel is just next to Swiss Garden. We're so exhausted & dont wanna scout around anymore, so just book whichever hotel. Rupanya, sebelah aje dgn Swiss Garden, muahaha....kisah nyer....
Nite- just lepaking at the hotel and have a supper at the hotel's resto.
The next day - beach moment for the kids.
As always, my kids rather choose the beach, rather than the pool.
The beach is not bad, I mean, better than P.D. my poor lense..huhu...
Bila la nak beli new camera, hehe...(devil's laugh)
I think, this is a good time for my breakaway.
As my head is currently bengong, and I thot i'm all mess up with the 'leaving' decision, I put it as this breakaway will at least ease it off a bit.
Thanks H, for this. Really appreciate it.
My sweetheart
We leave on Sunday, and life's back to normal thereafter.
As for my daily routine - at the office, I'm having the 'time of my life'.
Friends are all around, and we laugh, really loud....and its non-stop.
yess, it's the 'grinning' moment for me.
Oh ya, perhaps I havent update this yet:
Back in e opis, these juniors of mine are calling me "sugar mummy". Normmally they just address it as S.M.
So, hereon, I'm alwasy known as S.M as well.
see ya.....
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Malacca-Family Day
We've been here, and this is our 2nd time, the whole bunch of us!
The participants
We arrived around 6pm. Dont wanna wait for my bros-lembap cam siput, so we all makan dulu. Furthermore, dah agak lapar la time ni..since we hadnt had our proper lunch.
Marvellous...i tell u...
Sorry lah, I've been busy eating till I forgot to snap more pics of us...but some of it were in my BB. Malas nak download.****************
The next day - The family day.
Our clan are all clad in yellow, I'm the 5th generation ye...
As u can see, there're not many of us as most of our yellow clan ('tiger' we call it) are in KL. So, most of them didnt come. Unlike the rest of the family, they're in Malacca.
As the story goes, only my onyang travelled outside Malacca (he travelled to Kuala Kubu) and the rest remain in Malacca.
BTW-he took around a month to reach K.Kubu with his cattle and cart. Just imagine, that was in 1910++ (I guess so, as my grandma was born in 1926, and she's the youngest in the family)
He made his living by transporting passengers with his cart. So, I guess he wished to remain at K.K since he'd met someone & doesnt feel like coming back home, hehe.
Other clan - in pink
Afther the family day - we head straight back to KL....
(wut a tired weekend it was)
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Thumbelina's Graduation
As the title goes, so, here is T receiving her scroll.
T..while waiting others to receive their scroll. I can see it in her eyes: she's looking here and there to look fos us. She dont even know that i'm right in front of her nose!
Therefore, the sharpness was not really there
So, here are En. Baird class 2011 (Setiawangsa)
T's performing, together with the rest of classmates.
Closing ceremony. I love this part. Will always love the En. Gedi's song (dunno what title ah)
Daddy waiting for her to get down from the stage.
'I am daddy's little girl'