Lets share what I have in my small balcony recently.
Well, the balcony is really small, just about 4"x 8" i think. But, no matter what, I still wanna slot everything possible in the balcony.
Dunno why i love gardening, maybe its my dad's dna (haha)
Ok, lets start with a night vision of my begonia (i think so).
Bought this from Ikea recently.
The balcony-sumwhere in Feb this year.
Flowers bought from Cameron during my recent trip.
The latest development in March.
Note the addition of a stand below?
Its 'Lerberg' from Ikea. My plants are more organized now.Purrfecttt!
Owh how I wish I can have a bigger balcony...there'll be more plants..more flowers...ohhh.....