More of my x-stich collections from e-Bay. If i'm not mistaken, this is my 1st purchase.
By Janlynn- Miss Hathaway Garden.
And this, the Victorian Shadowbox.
the threads. What a sweet pastel colours.
I'd never interested in politic watsoever. But what is happening today really makes me wanna puke.
Yesterday, theres chaotic over the education system on Science n Maths in English. What's the big issue? Whats wrong with Science n Maths in English?
Yesterday, theres chaotic over the education system on Science n Maths in English. What's the big issue? Whats wrong with Science n Maths in English?
Their main issue is that those kids especially those in rural area cant cope.
Well, to me, the solution is - prepare exams paper in dual language. If kids cant understand the sentence in English, refer to the bahasa section. In the end, kids still can understand the question & answering it right. Is that simple, isnt it?
But teaching, has to be in English, even if teacher claims there are no good. Heaven sake, practice makes perfect!. They'll improve, over time. And it'll also give impact to their surrounding, will it?
As an example, look at Uitm. I'm not sure when they start teaching in English. But, hell when i entered, all are in English. There are lecturers who are not that fluent, but they tried & thats ok. Our exam papers are in dual language. We are all reminded, if u answer in English, u got extra point. Who doesnt want an extra point?, sure u need that rite?
There also friends from rural area, really kamfong, but hey, some of them are those flying colours. Jangan tak percaya, but this the reality, how do they survive in English? Answer is - Coz they WANT it, and practice makes perfect. Maybe we're struggling in our 1st year, but over time, we all works well. To add more spices, all text books are in English, so we dont have problem in studying and heading for the exams.
And now, after more than 10 years, its proven that uitm grads are mostly hired, and some performed well. Why? Coz they communicate & write English well (may be its not me la kan, i am none of this group).
What is the most barriers in fresh grad now?
To communicate during the interview or to write an essay in an interview.
Isnt it the 1st impression?
Isnt it the 1st impression?
(panjang nya daku merapu)
So, the conclusion is, its nothing wrong for Maths n Science in English. In fact, its good for kids to improve their English, furthermore, they're all fresh & they learn fast. Lets look forward to improve ourself, our family n community.
To me, all the chaos are triggered by someone. They purposely just wanna go against the government, and what ever govn. is doing. Trust me, if govn. decides to turn-back for teaching in BM, after the next 3,4 years, they'll create another chaos saying that the govn. are so laid back, they'll compare us against the edu system in Singapore, or will say that our edu is not up to the global education standard, and hell lots of other me...
All these people, they just dont know how to live in peace n harmony. Cant they see how is the global economic now? they're on purpose create chaos so that no one is focussing on improving on the economics, and then blame the govn. again.Cant u see that?
ok, enuf of membebel, it'll be boring to read from the screen, hehe. Nak gi Ikea nih, bye....
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