Thursday, July 30, 2009
Yup, I’d got it once. (hmm..just once, u guys perhaps grabbed it annually don’t you?).
I was 13. My composition was 'about my best friend whom's away in a boarding school and I wrote ‘bout our pure and sincere friendship (of coz by now we're no more bf, eh).
Ow, to me, that’s my best achievement at that time. my masterpiece printed in my school mags. Wow, that’s big!!
I’d endeavored it since I was in primary school. I’ll always looking forward for those masterpiece & compositions section once I got my mags and got frustrated at each time, hehe.
But my dream finally came true, when I was in form 1. The awful part of me, once I got what I wanted, I’ll never look forward for it anymore or to achieve any better.
So, eversince then, I’d made no attempt to produce any better masterpiece, as I don’t give a damn anymore to get my masterpiece printed in school mags..
Hehe..its just me, maybe…(shd change this, huh)
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Honestly, of all my group of frenz, I love these buddies the most. And for me, to join this reunion is a must!.
Not sure why, but I'd prefer to mingle wif this group. Unlike my uni's frenz; sometimes, I dont give a damn for their meeting or reunion whatsoever. Yes, I do met them in a small gathering, but its only once (last 2 years).
They're arranging for another reunion this November (if jadi la) but still not sure if I can attend. Entah la, probably most of them are from the Northern group, which I may not suited them well. Still, they're good frenz of mine, but just not 'click' enough, probably.
With my volleyball coach, on my rite & Mr.Khoo. Both are my fav maths teachers. Tima kasih cikgu...(p/s-still called them 'cikgu' the other day. ye la, takkan nak panggik pakcik lak, ye dak?). Love my coach as well, so dedicated & trained us tak kira penat. We'd came on Saturday and even practiced in the afternoon, after the schooling session (penat jugak jaman haku sekolah dulu ek???, baru terperasan).
Posing with classmates. Only 6 turned-up, out of 14 kut. What a small class, budak sains kunun hahah. In the picture, semua ex-pengawas, aku sorang je ex-pengawal..hahah...
I'm the class's assistant monitor. Our monitor is now makes his living in Japan, and cant join this reunion. But as for our 'french' fren, dia forsure she'll coming back annually, so its quite easy to made such arrangement. (notice something? aku la yg paling ketot kan???)
School's guard geng
Note- I aint giving sign o' anything k..its just that I'm holding sumthing at that time.Need to smudge these pics..iye la..letak pic orang, might as well, smudges mine's as well. ye dak?
They're in different class, so whenever I got bored in my class, will sneak-in into their class..hampes kan?
Wif my going-to-school partner, when I was in form 1 and form 2. I'll go to dad's office in the afternoon, waiting at carpark wif this guy, till his mum's (my parent's fren) came & drove us to school. And this guy, we are in the same school since primary, gi sekolah agama pun sama, the same school in secondary, and now, in the same office. Whats more, rumah pun dekat2..haiyo!! Even our parents knows each other, sebab asyik terjumpa kat sekolah while fetching us, hehe.
Once party is over..lagi la geng 'kecoh' kat sekolah dulu
All of us. Bravo!!!
My number '015" got lucky that day. Got the 5th prize.
Not bad, huh? Sorry anor..u'll be lucky next time, k?
What I got the other day. Best nyerrr.. From what I heard, other lucky number presents are not bad tho. Some got a dvd player and! (fridge lak kut, lepas ni?, haha)Thanks to the committee. u've all done such a great job!
Definitely looking forward for another reunion and hopefully, wif a bigger group.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Gud o'l Buddies
Monday, July 13, 2009
Work In Progress 1
Toilet for master bedroom Then
Sunday, July 12, 2009
June/July Garden Postcard
My daisies buds
Friday, July 10, 2009
Bought it somewhere last month, in conjunction with my new ‘buddy’. Err..the actual fact, this is the reason I bought my new buddy.
Quite outdated to be updated here. Biasa la, ahkak busy…(Should I have any other reason other than being ‘busy’?. Perhaps I should, huh).
Theres one of the the middle of the week, suddenly..danggg!!! I just feel like I MUST buy Sims3. Actually being influenced by one of my colleague. Bayekkk punya racun. Lucky H wanna go to Sg.Wang..u know how bad the traffic that day..grrrr.. i reached Sg.Wang around 8pm, about 7pm from KLCC.
Of coz la H membebel, but I just don’t care boss, sorry.
So…here it is..yipppeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
Saja je paste this sticker kan?
My Sims2 collections.
(pls ignore my mumbo-jumbo in the background)(nampak sangat aku ni hantu game kan?)
yippee!!! The neighborhood.
Thanx to the technology. The game looks more real...the water looks real, in fact those trees swayed with the wind. What i love most is the stars and lighthouse at nite..beautiful!
(tapi now dah pupus, coz I’d overrided my file…kes tak familiar with the ‘saving’ file concept).
Note- has to be careful to save each sims with file name/family name in sims 3.
The house.
And, to make the kids grow, I need to held a birthday party.
Cannot accept the fact the sims dah mati….so, kena la repeat balik whatever my sims have achieved…huhu..
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Story of the 2 Kings
1. Presley and Jackson have 7 letters in them and are 2 syllabic words with 2 vowels.
2. They were stars who crossed barriers through their music:
Presley was a white singer who sang in the style of black blues musicians while
Jackson was a black performer who broke thru to a white audience.
3. Both men were renowned for their love of fast food and sweets.
4. Both men lived in palatial estates that have become places of pilgrimage for fans:
Graceland---> Presley and Neverland--> Jackson
5. Both did things with their loins that nmade the girls shrudder:
Elvis thrusted his pelvis and Mike grabbed his crotch.
6. Both were stle icons with defining style of dress:
Elvis--> jewel-encrusted jumpsuit;
Mike--> the single white glove
7. Both were the icons of their generation who helped redefine popular music in their time.
8. Both were bananas for chimps:
Elvis--> keeping Scatter and Mike's Bubbles.
9. Both had weighty problems; Elvis having it too much, and Mike, too little.
10. Both were increasingly reclusive during the final years of their live due to problems with prescription drugs.
11. Both were in-laws...
12. Both were Kings who could live on forever.....
(source-MJ's tributes)
Drop by at MJ's wikipedia. Still cant believe my eyes...its all updated. I feel bad, real bad. This is so true. Damn...and some even wonders how can we ever turn back to June 24th (including me, huhu).
And, dont even want to accept the fact that I need to use those past-tense for MJ, huhu..
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Eventually, all my dayz recently are all roused ‘bout Jacko. And tonite, updating this while his memorial is on-aired. Don’t know, but I am someone who hardly accept the losses of someone. Still remember I wept for my grandma quitely at nite for 3 months. And was on each of the nite, for the 1st one month.
The lesson here, we are supposed to appreciate someone while they still can smile back when we tell them ‘I love you’. Those appreciations during the mourning session wont carry any meaning. Its just a ‘last respect’ session. It just don’t works this way! Look what Jacko experienced while he’s still alive? All those nasty words (err..i mean, in the Y2ks).
I’d even bought his limited edition mags.
To share some, with u guys.