Somewhere last week, meeting my gud o'l buddies.
Venue-Pelita Rest. Jln Ampang
Wif us is my fren who ame back for summer holiday. Along with us is her daughter-cute 'lil Ida.
Ala...budak tecit ctu pandang mama dia lak..risau nau mama dia posing ngan org lain.
She's quite moody when they first arrived. But after awhile..shes minding her own business..good girl...
My fren, just came back for her annual break from France, arrived wif her cute baby, bro and my other fren, Mr. Lan.
Akhirnya...cuma 3 org yg muncul.
Mr. Organizer langsong missing in action. And we cant even call him.
In the end..just borak2...and for the guy, hadnt met him since 1993. Hmm...almost 16 years tu..
To my buddies, thanx for coming, sekejap pun jadik arr..ok la tu..If ramai that nite, ntah2 melepak sampai 1am plak...
(pls ignore those pinggan2, malas tul la nak crop pic2 ni..)
laa patut la blog dia tak update...dah balik mesia dah dia...hihihi
ha'ahh..dah sampei mesia makcik nih..till end summer rasanya
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