Something from early of this month.
Oww, what a back-posting!
(I just cant spare the time to update my blog during weekdays, schedule is quite tight)
Went to The Mines the other day, after paying the normal routine visit to Nusaputra.
Main reason going there is to take a peep to the Crocs boutique there (& shopping as usual, heh)

Manage to 'smuggled' few pics. One thing 'bout the boutique, I love the colourful and 'liveliness' of the boutique. So, a shot is a must.
Then, drop by for Starbuck's coffee. Kinda miss it already coz rasa mcm dah lama tak drop by here. Got a free cute mug, but not sure for what reason. Probably coz the purchase is more than 50bucks.
Grr...such a bad traffic heading to KL & it's caused by not other than the gathering by the anti-ISA. So we had to turnback and find other alternative road.
Wdf, sapa la yg jadi 'balachi' tu..pastu siap bawak anak-bini join berarak bagai..menyusahkan org aje. One thing for sure, most of them are outsiders, ntah dtg dari kamfong mana tak taw la kan, pastu sanggup lak jadi balachi pakcik sorang tu.
Come on, get a life, tak yah ikut2 org boleh tak?
I was there when the riot was everywhere in 98. And these people, puhlease laaa...they would simply damaged all the traffice-lights, bins, lampu jln, bus-stop etc..protes la konon, but why all the vandalism? Yg pompuan pun sama, heran aku. Siap terajang sana-sini, eeiii tak malu ke?
At that time, me & colleagues just cant get out for lunch, all trapped inside. And the guard need to lock our main door, just in case all these people rushed-in. We can only have our lunch after 2pm.
Time balik pun macam tu, we cant go out with those guys rioting outside.
Some ppl may just simply suka2 join the riot, but pls, theres so much troublesome u create to others. Pity those kids, pregnant ladys or elderly who are nearby. Siap jatuh2 depa tu, sian tau.
I dont know, but to me whoever goes against the isa, must have some hidden agenda. Unlike ppl like us, we dont give a damn, coz we dont do anything wrong. That's it.
Coz the jam is sooo unbearable, baik la daku layan MJ nyer konsert..btw it took us 2 hrs to reach home, damn..
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