Another new year...welcome 2010

Lets proceed with 2009 year in review..
January..celebrating backdated birthday bash for F. 
The plan is to held the party by the pool, but due to the landslide, we changed the venue.
Then, visting Cameron H'land...wutelse - our annual event, hehe
We dont really plan, it snapped, just like that coz we got nothing to do during the federal Territory day..heaven when theres not many ppl there.
Year 2009 is also where I can see that I'm improving my photo's quality.
Thanx to Mr. H for the present (buat2 la selalu eh..? hehe)
Then..somewhere in March, we went to Cherating & Pekan, Pahang.
Somewhere at a beach in Beserah.
In April, T has been hospitalised due to dehydration. She refuses to eat for 5days due to ulsers in her mouth.
We camped there for 2 nights, hehe..
April is also where the dept. is busy with the Olympiad games.
Nevertheless, my team finished 4th place...ok la tu...
* May was when H bought his underwater camera.
Sexy shot by T.
Bought my new PC in June and bought Sims3 at the same time (hantu game kan?)
Bought wii not long after
We're however, hardly touch the wii, huhu and now had exported it to the other house.
June is also where the most awaited moment.
Trip to Perhentian Island.
April is also where the dept. is busy with the Olympiad games.
* May was when H bought his underwater camera.
Bought my new PC in June and bought Sims3 at the same time (hantu game kan?)
June is also where the most awaited moment.
Trip to Perhentian Island.
It was stunning. Take my advice, visit other islands surrounding the Perhentian. U wont regret. Above pic is at the Turtle island. Crystalised shore..& awesome underwater living.
25th June-the passes of the King of Pop.
25th June-the passes of the King of Pop.
I'd bought Bad to replace my casette & Thriller for being the highest number of album ever sold in history. How can I not having the album that was listed in guiness record?
July- my reunion with high school buddies.
Celebrated it a my in-law's.
July- my reunion with high school buddies.
September- It was Aidilfitri again.
My 10th year celebrating it as a...mum, a wife. Can I believe that?
Sporting H offered us to stay 2 nights in Cameron H'land..
(Again???...but honestly, I'm dyingggg for it, hehe. Tq,H)
And for that, this year is the nicest Eidul's photos ever captured.
Good job!!
Good job!!
Not forgetting, I have a new niece born on 29th August 2009.
The same date with MJ, hehe
Here we are during her 'cukur jambul''s kenduri.
Here we are during her 'cukur jambul''s kenduri.
After some hardwork and hanky-panky since June this year, it is finally completed!
(honestly, i am damn lazy to write, uh)
To close the event of the year, finally..its the event of the year.
Our Bali trip.
To close the event of the year, finally..its the event of the year.
Our Bali trip.
Unique! its all I can say when it comes to Bali, no wonder lots of mat salehs are there.
And cheap too!!! hehe.
In short..I'm quite happy with happenings in 2009.
I got promoted, and the biggest achievement, according to H, is his ability to complete our NP's house. requires patience, commitment, time, details..etc...fuhh..
Next year..both girls will start schooling. And F will be in morning session.
When school started, then it means there'll be laundries..ironing...homeworks, teaching....and the list goes!!
Pheww....I need to sleep early next year, and wakes up when its all are still in darkness.pheww...mencabar nih...
Happy New Year!!!!!
good summary of 2009! happy new year.
nnt share la gambar rumah
Rumah i takde apa2 lagi la comey...if dah complete, i'll show it (tapi tak janji la tahun bila tu..hehe)
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