Sunday, February 28, 2010
Back to Normal
It seems since the past 5 days or so, my broadband coverage seems work well. This is impressive! Macam tau2 je daku nak 'potong' dia..hehe.
Not sure if this is just coincidence or what but for now i really..really need the internet. Phewww...nasib baekkk...
Busy browsing..surfing, booking etc...these few days. we're gonna off somewhere, perhaps i just cant really spend my time blogging.
But anyway, i'm back into business now...(jgn buhsan tawww..hehe)
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Along February
Let shares those happenings in Feb.
Yes..chinese new year and valentine's day coincidencely happen to be on the same day. was all red..everywhere.
No wonder I cant see much of valentine's deco, all had been camouflaged!
Around KLCC
...and my cheeky T.I dont really carry my camera that much this month. There are other happenings..weddings..outings etc...but since the net is damn lousy..
dont ever think to upload those pics here..just a waste of time.
T with her latest puppy...memang la budak ni suka nau ngan puppy..tak kesah la..jgn dibuat suka puppy yg betul2 sudah...
Off topic: I really like Salabianca's deco..sempoi...hahah..
..and check out the bag by Raoul below. Aint it cool? I love its softness colour.
By the way...for the past 3 days, my b/band was excellent. Probably coz we drop by to maxis some 2 weeks ago & perhaps they did sumting with our account. Just my guess.
But to me the time is perfect coz i'm about to leave to somewhere i longgggggggggggg to be...hmmm....the net is damn important to me lately.
Need to check out lots of things..
Elin's Birthday
Another shot.
Present opening ceremony..