Early this month, my niece celebrating her 4th birthday.
For the past 3 nites, my b/band suddenly back to its normal receiver. I'd better update wutever I'd missed here. Plus, been busy tho...
Teka sapa yg punya birthday?
Rasa-rasa lilin dah padam...dari gaya meniup budak2 ni, mau dgn kek2 sekali terangkat.
Bab2 tempias tu kurang pasti la pulak kan...hmm...halal je la...
Elin: Kakak, apsal T still tiup lilin tu lagi ek? bukan dah padam ke?
Kakak F: Ntah la..dia nak tiup kek tu kut...
Finally..a pic of all...
In the background-kanak2 dewasa tumpang pose.
Another shot.
Nice one, left, middle & right look at me.
Present opening ceremony..
Another shot.
Present opening ceremony..
Had gud time that nite. We left almost 12m/nite coz the kids dont even wanna go back. Macam tu la bila dah berkumpul...apa2hal pun, game 'Monster' kat belakang tu memang sempoi!!!
Forgot to snap those foodies..anyway, tima kasih pada tuan rumah..good party, good food.
We all had a good time that nite.
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