Monday, May 10, 2010

Now and Then

My order has finally arrived.
It flew all the way from UK
(sementara currency tengah rendah ni, bayek ku purchase item yg i've been aiming long ago)
yes, its the dvd for: Now & Then
Love the movie. Watched it back then in 1997. I've its video, but as usual, video player pun dah kaput now ni.
Been looking everywhere, Speedy & other dvd centre, cant get one. They'd even never heard of it!!.
It left me no choice, got to buy it from eBay (plus the rate is quite low now, heheh)
Movie was about 4 good friends, meeting up for reunion and they'd flashed back into one of their best summer as kids.
A must have movie i would say, a good one, especially for girls, hehe.

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