Till i got no time to update this blog or whatsoever.
Busy watching, especially favourite matches.
Here we are at one of our weekend nite. It is an early game(8pm) where Holland meet Japan.
BTW, F is attending her tuition till 10pm, so both of us & si kenit went to watch the match at a cafe nearby our house.
The best part, the resto sipa tutup lampu each time the game is on. Light is on only during the break & after game is over.
(demam bola la katakan..)
For world cup, I dont really stay-up to watch. Even tho I'd stay-up, other than Italy punye game, i'll be tido2 ayam, hehe..
If goal...sedar jap, pastu zzz balik..mana larat..esok nak keje lagik...
Lucky i was not that sleepy at work, gheee *wink*wink*
And this time, me, & few guys at opis joined a match prediction games.
Haha..punya la syiok.
Actually before the world cup started, we've completed our form with each match's winner & score.
Surprisingly, we have 56 participants, punya la ramai...
Each correct winner & score will earn 5points.
Yg kelakar tu, I'd predicted the opening game between RSA vs Mexico correctly, hahah, jackpot beb...
Then, it goes thru..each & every game, some I dont even get any point, but some with jackpot, haha..
If dah dpt score yg I predict 100% correct, siap berdoa2 tu..jangan la korang gol lagi, else my jackpot hancus..muahaha...
By the time i wrote this, our first round predictions has over.
I'd finished 17th out of 56, not bad duhhh....
Now, waiting for Euro plaks,
Si kenit that nite.

Enjoy the game, ta....
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