Office's 1st theme day of this year...
its by...the Newbies...
Theme titled: Smile with O+....
Part of ofis's decor the other day
After our normal Friday's Speaker's Corner, as part of the theme day, the newbies started the theme day with a name guessing game. (dont ask me to elaborate more, damn lazy to write)
Then, all units are required to perform a joke. My team, we dont joke enuf, btw, thee he he.. One of our otai...hmm..jangan memain,,transformers you.
What make we burst into laugh is that, our bro read a jokes & with that mask on, his voice automatically turns into a robotic tones, memang kelakar giler.
then, a balloon games. which i dont enjoy much as I'd just recover from a fever which forced me into 2 days of m.c. So bad that I cant even wake up on the 1st day.
Our joker, as usual.
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