Generally, 1 whole week wasted for this event. From discussion, decoration, discussion lagi..bla..bla..bla...
Guess who???
Hmm...think i really more of a ninja than the arabs, muehehe...
Bos also wanted to share something on 'Ramadhan's moon'
The committee.. (again)
We'd even jokes, buat penat senyum aje, bukan boleh nampak pon. hehe...
After the 'makan2' session, we held a game : a treasure hunt.
So, here are the session of the checking and verifying answers.
Some of 'me', that day. Thanks to my sis-in-law for lending me the 'robe'. Its a bit bigger, but to sarong just a while, sure, not a problem..thanks.
Wanna leave u guys with my cupcakes on that day..
Added info:
we'd joke the other day in the office about the 'camerist'. Each of us has our own 'interest'.
First bro: love to caps those sky..clouds..
2nd bro: love to caps those underwater creatures..
as for me, whatelse??? flower la...haha...
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