One thing that I hadn't update for so long is about my so called 'pembantingan tulang' a.k.a 'career' a.k.a how i make my living a.k.a what do i do to pay all my debts, hehe.
This year alone, i've moved my workstation twice, so it means i've been in 3 locations within the department.
Maybe i havent shared the infos that effective 1st April 11, my dept now has become a 'Group' department, where we've merged with another dept of the other entity.
Well, there's a 1st wave on 1/4/11, where I'd moved to the far east side of the office. So...i'm ok wif that workstation.
Come end of June, there's an unexpected 2nd wave (of coz after the new Head join in - he needs to make some changes).
So the changes are..change your work station - by moving around, hehe..just kidding.
Nope, now we've a new Team, so called the 'project team'. What I have in my head is - Eat projects, sleep projects & dream projects, haha...i'd always felt pity to those who'll be in that group.
Good thing is, I'm in that Team - padan lah muka aku kan???, hahah..
With the 2nd wave, I need to move to the middle of the world now. It is where I am now, in the 'middle-earth'.

At the moment, our org chart still keep on changing each fortnightly, heheh.
We'll see where I am in the next few months ya..
Lots of transformation in the office, will share some pics later, once all settled down.
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