Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Salam Aidilfitri 1432 Hijrah

Salam Aidilfitri to all.... this is my 35th aidilfitri, alhamdullilah...

Well, all i can said, that's 'almost no' preparation this year.

Just bought a baju kurung for T (which i accidently spot at MetroJaya during the early Ramadhan, where i'm actually looking for her swimming-suit).

It is quite big tho, (i bought it coz it is beautiful). So, she end-up wearing her sis's baju kurung during the aidilfitri, hehe.

And F-couldnt find any suitable baju kurung, so she end-up with her last year's kebaya, & borrow my black sarong to match it.

Good thing is, my kids dont even complaint.



Well, I worked tll the last minute (poyo...aje).

Then, I'd cooked the 'kuah kacang' for the first time..ngeh ngeh ngeh... (itu pun after my mum suruh- as she cant help it anymore)

As usual, he is in his own world. Which I dont even understand.

Not much pix this year.


1. We are not going anywhere this year. No Cameron trip. T's exam coming-2nd week of raya.

2. I lost my camera charger. Puas ku carik before raya tak jumpa2 (after raya baru jumpa, chaitt!)


Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir & Batin....

(gambar pon cam poyo jek..)

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