Went to Beserah, Kuantan, for a breakaway.
Nothing brings us there. Its just that F has a trip to Gambang Water Park.
We went there to fetch her, then straight to Cherating. It is already almost 2pm by then. As expected, no more available rooms in good hotels around Cherating.
Note: It is just Club Med that I dont checked the other day.
Then, we move South, to Kuantan.
Finally we managed to secured a room at Duta Village, Beserah.
The only available room for the day. It is almost 4pm by then.

we choose the 'chalet' style, instead of the hotel's room.
Not bad, it fits all of us nicely. Just that it is a bit running down, but hey..it still worth the penny, I mean, it is reasonable. For RM160++, i think its worth it.
After refreshing ourselve, the its time for dinner.
We went to this restaurant. Superb!!!! i tell u....

It is spesialise in keropok lekor, udang goreng tepung & sotong(squid) goreng tepung.
The fried rice isnt bad at all too.
Perrghhhh...memang best giler..
This is the 'udang goreng tepung'
Pisang goreng pun ada..it looks exactly like this. Sah2 bancuhan tepung yg sama, hehe..
Suddenly I found out this resto is actually almost opposite of Swiss Garden Kuantan.
La....actually our hotel is just next to Swiss Garden. We're so exhausted & dont wanna scout around anymore, so just book whichever hotel. Rupanya, sebelah aje dgn Swiss Garden, muahaha....kisah nyer....
Nite- just lepaking at the hotel and have a supper at the hotel's resto.
The next day - beach moment for the kids.
As always, my kids rather choose the beach, rather than the pool.
The beach is not bad, I mean, better than P.D.
my poor lense..huhu...
Bila la nak beli new camera, hehe...(devil's laugh)
I think, this is a good time for my breakaway.
As my head is currently bengong, and I thot i'm all mess up with the 'leaving' decision, I put it as this breakaway will at least ease it off a bit.
Thanks H, for this. Really appreciate it.
My sweetheart

We leave on Sunday, and life's back to normal thereafter.
As for my daily routine - at the office, I'm having the 'time of my life'.
Friends are all around, and we laugh, really loud....and its non-stop.
yess, it's the 'grinning' moment for me.
Oh ya, perhaps I havent update this yet:
Back in e opis, these juniors of mine are calling me "sugar mummy". Normmally they just address it as S.M.
So, hereon, I'm alwasy known as S.M as well.
see ya.....