I'd just guessing that the time 'has come'.
As I told myself earlier, "I take this as a blessing. And, things happened for reason".
Yup, we always won't know what's coming in front of us. Sometimes, things ain't always sweet.
There's time when we feel so down, hopeless and maybe angry - when things apparently didnt workout as how we want it.
But look at the bright side - there could be 'something' beautiful awaits, without we knowing.
With that, I hereby has made my decision. Please dont do anything, as things had well said.
What done, was done.
Simply wanna share few songs:
Say goodbye, these days are gone
And we can't keep holding on
When all we need is some relief
Through these hard times....
by: Rob Thomas (These Hard Times)
..I was just guessing
At numbers and figures
Pulling the puzzles apart
Questions of science
Science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart
By Coldplay (Scientist)
"Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end"
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