Monday, April 23, 2012

Why my Blog is Idle

I miss blogging!!!!

It's been 4 months!!! My blog is idle, it doesnt move aint it?
Honestly i miss writing my blog & update my what & whereabout.

Wait! Blogger has changed its page?

The main reason i'm temporarily abandoning my blog:
1. I'd changed my job since last December. So much to catch up & so much to update in blog. For about    now, lets just dismiss the idea of updating the whole story here.
2. So much of happening!!
   Trip to Phuket, 3rd trip to Ho Chin Minh, trip to Pulai Spring (Johor Premium Outlet) few other off-home stay which some i'd may totally forgot.
3. Concerts!!!
  Yup, I'd went to Avril & The Cranberries concert (on 4 April 2012)
   The Cranberries was superb!!!! I love you Dolores!!!! You are my star!
4. I bought myself an ipad!!!
    Well thats the actual hero! It just spoilt all my life! my whole life!
   I'm like someone who - tidur ipad, makan ipad, tv ipad, train ipad..except for mandi ipad - coz they  havent release that version just yet.
 So much to catch up with my ipad- especially the games.
Yup, i know, I'm a gamer freak! this is sicko i guess.

I'd abandoned a lot:
My cross stich...and few
I realise how much i'd abandoned reading. (btw, i'd started reading again recently). I'm almost finish my 'Mini Shopholic'. then since like whattt....November i guess?

Ok, enuf blabbing.
Hope I can catch up some, post up some updates..
(Got myself  a new camera ya....) Lets find some time to post the pic here, yeah....

See you....

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