Both the Germans and Turks are excited for the game. Me, really hope the Turks can win it, as they seems so ambitious, energetic and so determine.

To me Turks have shown their best, congrates to Hamit, Semih, Kazim etc...the team is handicapped, with almost half of the team is either injured or suspended, but they have the fighting spirit and proven that they can do it too.
Game memang best, tapi channel asyik rosak aje, at some part, i go zzzz.....nasib baik bangun balik masa 80th minute.
Turks may not make it to the final, but everybody are impressed with their performance. Congratulations to Germany. C u in the finals.
2nd semi finals- Russia vs Spain. The Spaniards won with 3-0.
The best ever match played by Spain and the worst ever match showed by Russia.
Tak tau naper, but Russia seems hopeless, totally different from their performance with Holland.
Bye Russia, good luck to Spain in the finals.
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