Pirlo scored on penalty and Grosso's on the free kick, tapi actually terkena kaki Henry. Ala..lebih kurang gol Romania yg terkena kaki Zambrotta the other day la akan....

Tapi the match, alahai...elok sikit je dari Mesia main...boring jek layanz...ni la team sayur2an utk Euro2008, the most digeruni team, but end-up both pun dah jadik team sayur...Adik ni pun sampai menguap2 tengok game nih..
tapi France lagi sayur la..hadoi...bek dia...sakit mata nengok...baper kali si Toni lepas, tapi as usual la, si clumsy tu tak leh gak nak score2 lagik...
hmm i really miss Totti, Nesta & Canna in action..baru best sikit tengok,..mata pun segar bugar je...


Sonok korang ek??? sib baik 2nd string ayam belanda tu kuat...they win over Romania for 2-0...kalo tak..babai la korang....
The joyous face...itu pun lepas tau Holland leading 1-0.
Anyway, enjoy the victory while u can..bersedia la utk bungkus bila jumpa adik2 Spain nanti ek...but be careful, Italy is always a late bloomer, macam France jugak...too bad France cant sustain...we'll see if Italy got eliminated on next match.

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