Me with my 1 day leave.
As the plan goes, went to lawyer office for the strata title in the morning & headed to the East at about noon.
We arrived there at about 3pm I guess.

Most of the hotels are booked by the companies..grrr..why must they occupied the hotel during this school holidays. Fed-up la jugak, tapi takpe..sabo..sabo..
Even my last resort i.e. Impiana Resort is also full-hse..grr..i'm sick. Its occupied by Petronas. grrr...and btw, the resort is having some refurbishment now. I think it will only complete sumwhere in July/August.
Pssttt..been there for 2 times already. heard that the hotel is quite spooky. But so far, never bumped into any bad x-perience, alhamdullillah..thats why the hotel is my last resort..heheh..BUT the food is always good there. In fact, with a nice playground for the kids.
Finally at around 5pm, we manage to checked into a Residence Inn, nearby to Cherating Beach. Too bad, no spa for me, huh. Their spa is currently not in operation (buang letrik tul la...)
Kids enjoying themselves on their 1st step on sands. Actually theres a sign of - 'No swimming when the red flag is raised'.
And i look out, oops, the flag is red now. But, its no monsoon, and its low tide.
Then H reminds me -'Yup, they purposely put the red flag on, so, no one to take the responsibility if theres anything happened'...
I guess he's damn rite.
We really have a gud time at the beach.

'mum, why this is nothing like Ao Nang. Why theres no crowd?'
Yeah, i'm expecting theres crowd along the beach area, but I was wrong. Its quite surprise as its school holidays & hotels/chalets are mostly fully-booked. So, where are those people???
But I think the answer is bcoz we're not in the island. Probably people went to the town instead. (But Ao Nang is at mainland too, whattt....)
Enuf with all the people. Lets enjoy the food...yihaaa..
Kerang bakar...sedapnya...teringat2 sampai sekarang....
Kerang bakar...sedapnya...teringat2 sampai sekarang....
Blessings, looks like it was a lovely day. Love the photos especially the first one with the clouds...magnificent.
Welcome Rhapsody. Thanks for your lovely remarks.
Here we are..enjoying life...while we can.
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