Lovely day...i'm fabulous!!
Back to the title, today is the final game for the bottle cap. (sorry, coz i always publish my post backdated, so bizi ahh..)
You remember playing the 'bottle caps'? or famously known as 'main tutup oren'.
Still remember my school dayz where all games came by season. When its time for tutup oren, then the girls will occupied with 'batu seremban'. Then, its also a season for main' chop tiang', 'lompat getah', main 'chop'(chop guna bola tennis) & ntah apa2 lagi...
So, its time to refresh those memoirs.
Got a match this week. I met 'Bella ea Fera'. Our team won, but due to insufficient point, we cant go the final.
The final is btw Jaguh Kampong & Joga Bonito.
And the champion....Jaguh Kampong la...apalagi...nama pun 'jaguh'.....
How to play:
How to play:
First, spread the caps.
2nd- Opponent got to choose any 1 cap to be taken out (1st strategy)
3rd-Opponent gotta chose the 1st 2 caps for player to hit..of coz..taktik paling kejam akan digunakan di sini.
2nd strategy...carik the most susah to hit..taktik busuk hati is required here..('',)
Finally, if the player manage to hit all caps, then only they can 'timbang' for the point.
The tactics..pakai kepung-kepung gitew...
And the timbang, must be via the 'cangkuk' tactic. As my colleague call it-'cengkaman harimau'..haha.
This is the 'timbang'
This really recalls those good 'ol school dayz..and today, its where we can see those bapak2 orang jumping tak hengat...& mak2 orang gelak sampai dah kuar ayaq mata.
Its really fun to have all these games.
After the 3rd game, my team is 3rd place in the current standings.
next game to come.... "C.o.n.g.k.a.k".
Ha ha ha lawak jugak lar korang ni, mcm budak sekolah plak
dah takde keje la tu...mengisi masa lapang...ahaks
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