Last weekend, to the Pavillion again (again???)
Whats so good 'bout it? Thot we wanna watch the Fast&Furios3, but since we reach there quit late, decided to jalan2 instead.
Bought few fairies books (again???), will share it later, but depending on my intuition (what does intuition got to do with blogging anyway, huh-but I do believe in that).
Well, while I'm in the dvd store, H wave this dvd to me.
Whoa!!!! my 'Nights in Rodanthe'??

Bought other dvds as well, (while my main intention is to search for the 'Stolen Hearts', sigh).
Bought Serendipity(love this) and All About Ah Long (a kantonese movie-looking for it for so longg).
Nights in Rodanthe

Unlike other Nicholas Spark's adapted movies(Walk to Remember & The Notebook), I can say that this movie is almost 100% adapted from the novel, except the fact that in the novel, Adrianne is actually is flashing-back & recalling those memories to her disheartened daughter.
Love the house (or is it suppose to be the motel) by the shore...just beautiful

At a glance, the movie is about a man and woman in a middle-age crisis where their life is halfway thru, but somehow all seems so wrong.
Adrianne’s x-husband wanted to mend their relationship whilst Paul (a doctor) is running away from his life when his wife and son left him for being so committed to his job and neglected them.
The two then happened to met at the motel and find that they complete each other.
Adrianne’s x-husband wanted to mend their relationship whilst Paul (a doctor) is running away from his life when his wife and son left him for being so committed to his job and neglected them.
The two then happened to met at the motel and find that they complete each other.

Paul then left to join his son in Ecuador and promised Adrianne he’ll be back for her in a year, once he manage to convince his son and put everythings right again between them.
So, theres love-letters for jovial Adrianne through out the year, waiting for Paul to come back to her. …guess what happen next….

(why am I becoming a movie reviewer suddenly?, huh. Not bad for a novice, ha)
Thats 'bout it. Love the movie, and if u're wondering how I love these kind of movies: Its because its our life reality. And each of these came with a life message and lessons to be learned, or in short ‘its our life’.
As my sis said to me- I live in fantasy.
Shes probably rite but hey lets fantasized, nothings wrong. At least I’ve been ‘there’ once, and I knew how its like.
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