We start our day quit late today.
Can say that I dont really have a gud sleep last nite. Bolehnye H bangun tgh malam, telling me dia mimpi antu. Then we have to sleep with the bed lamp turn-on.
Yikes, hate this, I hardly sleep, chisss.
My most memorable trip in perhentian island is about to start.
Yup, we booked a trip to Rawa island.
While approaching the island.

The Rawa island. Aint it beautiful?

It was stunning, and we concluded this is as beautiful as the Koh Poda (in Thailand ) but Rawa Island is better as the coral is just infront of you.
Suddenly this reminds me of a song - 'wide open space'.

Praise to Almighty for its beautiful creation. Daku insap sekejap.
Tanpa membuang masa, all of us, except for mum and my lil' T straight away exploring those corals there. It was beautiful, really beautiful...and we spot a big fish too. It was so exciting!
Its just that we'd given our camera to our boatman. And I dont know where has he been, and he'd captured so many videos, a nice one, really, which I have problem uploading it here.
And he managed to spot 2 teenage sharks as well. Nice rite?
After bout one hour there, then we move on to other snorkling spot somewhere nearby the Rawa Island too.
Here we are..

As you can see, the current/arus is quite deras. So, we dont allow our F to join us.
And we told her to join us when we stop at the 'lighthouse'.
And actually, we're quite regret for not allowing her to get down. in fact, it was so much better here..so many fish & lots of beautiful coral.
Furthermore, its not that deep, so we can see those corals & underwater living close enuf. And with such a good weather, everything seems shining beautifully.
Sungguh la banyak ikan, plus we bring some breads. So apalagi..bergerombolan la those fish. And i'd purposely swam into the school of fish. Abes..dgn tangan2 & kaki2 gue sekali depa gigit2..kakaka...sakit siut..kihkihkih..
Tengok arus dia..agak kuat kan? if atas boat tak makan ubat tahn muntah, sure dah 'k.o'.

Some of underwater snapshots from Rawa Island. I'll be missing you....huhu.

Then, our last pit stop is the 'Lighthouse'.
The locals claimed that this was the most beautiful corals at the island.
-The lighthouse-
(in the 1st place, i thot the lighthouse was supposedly be on the island itself. But by seeing this, i was thinking, ooo..rupanya some lighthse could be built dalam air jugak ghopanyer..)
Some underwater snapsots at the 'lighthouse'

Our boatman-pakcik usin. (heheh)

Well, it was quite deep at the lighthouse. And arus pun agak kuat...actually memang kuat giler..
And me..without those fin, i was struggling to get back to my boat...
Aku rasa dah jenuh berenang, but wondering why I was still passing by the same corals..huhu...
until H suddenly come & tow me to the boat.
Sigh...otherwise, ntah baper jam pulak aku nak swim back to the boat. Ni la akibatnya snorkling koboi, huhu... penat sihhh....
I dont know, but I think, Redang's corals are better & colourful. Ntah la, could be as it was quite deep here or what & it was like 7 years ago when I went there. I cant recall much too.
There goes our trip today. Went back, freshen up & have our lunch at the resort.
Here are the package pricing

As usual, i'll read my book at the porch and with such a cool island breeze, (& perut yg kenyang) i'll nap not long after.
(pedulik la org yg lalu lalng depan chalet gue..plus mat2 saleh tu bukan nya bother pun..hehe)
Kids are so energetic today. they refused to nap & went to the beach with their sand playset instead. eee..geram tul, takleh la gue nak nap betul2. Tido2 itik je la..while eyeing on them.

And H, pampering himself, as usual (dia ni memang pantang if ada massage service, sure nak try). But for me, the spa next door close pulak..tak yah la...
As usual, cukup aje time, all of us, again..dusyumm!!! (camna la daku tak golap kan?).
And its for our last call before going back tomorrow.
And while snorkling with F, we spot another nemo's family..walllahhhh..so cute!
Leave u guys with other pics from our day 3