Sunday, June 28, 2009

What's New In Store

Quite a number of happenings this month.

Other than the island vacation, wanna welcomed the new ‘family’ in da house.
Err..well, not really a ‘living’member, its just my buddy.

My previous buddy. I’d already forgot the year we bought it. Could be sumwhere 2003/ 2004. Was when I need it to support my Sims2.

Some of the things that spice up my work area.

Presto!!!! Finally…a new buddy.

Big wide screen. Haku sukerrrr….sungguh la puas main game..hahah (gini punya worang pun ada ka?)

But my ‘ol buddy..don’t worry, will never leave u behind. Got a lot of precious data inside you.

Spending time to clean up my work area. But as per today, it seems that it might has gone back to its normal mess, huh.

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