I love the crystalic water there.
We enjoyed snorkling there, nice.
Next destination, we we're brought to turtle bay. Its where the turtles come for food.
We were to look for the turtle, an once we spot it, we're to jump into the water. Then, we spot one, & everybody was like sooo excited. AKu pulak yg jadi takut. H straight away jumped-in. Coz he need to capture the pic. Sorry la..he captured the video, no pics. (aku nyer ni takleh upload video pulak, ntah naper la...)
F jumped right after, followed by me. Yihaaa!!!
I search for it, yg daku nampak, ada mat saleh sorang tu dah berlutut dalam air nak carik turtle. As for me, daku lak tak perasan the turtle coz it was quite deep, so the underwater is quite dark.
According to F, the turtle is just nearby the mat saleh tu. Chiss...achik tak perasan, chis!!. Anyway, H captured the video. ok la tu...
Our last destination-Teluk KK.
While on the way (we'd started to tanned at this time)
Lotta fish, best nyer...
The setback of going to tempat yg dalam ni, all the fish will be way below us, jauh la plak..
pics from Teluk KK
Thats for the trip. Went back and had our lunch.
T kepenatan yg amat sangat i guess. Falling asleep even when her meals is yet to arrive. my poor little girl.
Bare that its just dont stops there. Petang, another mandi2 session, as usual.
We spot a nemo (clownfish) family. And, just like the nemo movie...actually the nemos never leave their habitat.
Guess all their foods are there. They just swam around their habitat. And its only 4 of them, so i'm guessing, its a family with 2 kids. just like us..hehe..lawak la pulak.
But they are so cuteee...geram betul. Spend quite some time watching them. Anak dia alahai...kecik nyer...adala dlm size ikan bilis yg XXL tu, halus je..patut la ngko kena ngap ye nemo???

nite - bbq dinner...makan ler..apalagikkk..
(malas nak post pic makanan..dah tak larat tgk food, huhu)
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