Bought it somewhere last month, in conjunction with my new ‘buddy’. Err..the actual fact, this is the reason I bought my new buddy.
Quite outdated to be updated here. Biasa la, ahkak busy…(Should I have any other reason other than being ‘busy’?. Perhaps I should, huh).
Theres one of the the middle of the week, suddenly..danggg!!! I just feel like I MUST buy Sims3. Actually being influenced by one of my colleague. Bayekkk punya racun. Lucky H wanna go to Sg.Wang..u know how bad the traffic that day..grrrr.. i reached Sg.Wang around 8pm, about 7pm from KLCC.
Of coz la H membebel, but I just don’t care boss, sorry.
So…here it is..yipppeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
Saja je paste this sticker kan?
My Sims2 collections.
(pls ignore my mumbo-jumbo in the background)(nampak sangat aku ni hantu game kan?)
yippee!!! The neighborhood.
Thanx to the technology. The game looks more real...the water looks real, in fact those trees swayed with the wind. What i love most is the stars and lighthouse at nite..beautiful!
I named them the First family
(tapi now dah pupus, coz I’d overrided my file…kes tak familiar with the ‘saving’ file concept).
Note- has to be careful to save each sims with file name/family name in sims 3.
The house.
And, to make the kids grow, I need to held a birthday party.
Cannot accept the fact the sims dah mati….so, kena la repeat balik whatever my sims have achieved…huhu..
mau mau mau sims 3... mauuuuuuuu
how much it cost?
heard from anor..its 'bout 60euro in France (awat mahal nau?)
kat Mesia..RM140 aje dong....cepat beli...
wahh only 140???I'm sooo going to buy it in Msia!! kat sini 54euro...gila kan mahal..anyway, most things are cheaper here compared to paris/other place in europe.
yezzzaa..murah saja...beli la, apalagi...
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