As usual, a trip to nusaputra is a must on every weekend.
But this time around, theres double-triple dissappoinment as the contractor told us he'd completed the tiles in master bathroom but it seems nothing had progressed.
So, I'd insisted H to look for other contractor as ours seems sooooo slow in progress. the reno started in July but nothing much completed todated.
Look, here was how the ceiling look on 24th Aug
And this - on 24th September. Took a month to complete the plastering, & still not completed thoroughly with some downlight wrongly placed.
And I'm quite surprised why he'd install the fan for the porch whilst things not yet complete. Isnt this suppose to be among the final job?
What a good news-the owner was there. And he told me he'd terminated the contracted.
He claimed, his work are all mess-up & he's been working for his house for 5 month!. WDF!Alllooo..a small banglow pun buleh siap if 5 mth ok?
Punya la lembap!
Punya la lembap!
look, he'd install all the fans that we'd delivered. H bought the fan & sent it right there. mistake is, we never told him to keep the fan first & the stupid contractor dont even tell us he wanna install the fan.
Worst that few workers there told us that they hardly saw him since Ramadhan & never after the Raya (but we met him last week).
What piss us is that last week H paid him RM1k as he said he wanna complete the bathroom & nothing is done!
He's been calling H since before raya pleading for 3k, to continue work & pay the labor, chitttt! tipu punya bangla, nasib baik H bagi 1k je...
In short we'd to terminate him, but H loss bout 3k for the deposit of the grille and bout another 4.5k for the 3phase electric installation. Byk tu weh..cilakak tul la bangla tu.siap ko.
So, he was soooo down the whole day for the losses. Nak kena bayar lain tu satu hal lagik...nak carik org to complete the work lagi satu hal. adoyai..
We decided to take all our electrical & bathroom fittings. Kang tak pasal2 hilang lak. Chittt! .
Patut tak if we all tak halal kan duit tu?? patut la kan?? tipu punya worang!
Hi! I am so glad you bought Blogging For Bliss and are enjoying it :) Isnt it wonderful?
I am so sorry things arent going as planned with your home :( It must be so disappointing for you! I sure hope things get straightened out soon!!!
Dear Amy
thanx for dropping by.
Yup, the book is wonderful & full with inspirational & lovely bloggers.
Yeah, I need start all over again. But its ok, will try to manage it.
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