Another backdated post
Uploading pics are killing me, really, :)
A weekend trip to Malacca or Melaka.
Some mosaics around the town. But the ocean view, its from our condo.

Went there wif my parents & sis.
Btw, before marching-up south, we did drop by at Nusaputra, just to look around. My poor house..huhu..was left abandoned. And I'm not in the mood to renovate the house again.
Makna katanya, daku takkan berpindah in this year, huhu.
Upon reaching Melaka, drop by at uncle's house in Durian Tunggal for lunch.
Mmm...daging masak asam nyer, sungguh la power. Melaka's specialty kan...makan dgn ikan bakar lak tu..fuhhh...maap, malas mak post the pic here.
Then, we went check-in in Garden City Apartment, relax and freshen-up for what to be the main reason we are here.
Dinner time...
We arrived quite late though...jem la plak kat town Melaka ni.
Good thing is, we all dapat duduk depan..hahah..ala2 vip la plak, masuk lambat, duduk depan lagik, hehe...nasib baik awal sikit je dari super vip, choyyyy! kalo dak..adus...But we need to split-up. Me, H, kids and sis. While my parents sat along wif other relatives.
Some beautiful and lovely memoirs from the wedding.

My 'lil darling in her kebaya.
(Actually adult punya kebaya. Since she insisted to have 1, so I bought the 'S' size, then alter2 sket, terror tak? hehe)
Fresh it. And what I love most - the colour combinations..aint it sweet?
The wedding cake

..and us..
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