Friday, July 30, 2010
Will be heading to Ho Chi Minh again tomorrow....
Dont be surprised ya..just went there somewhere in April, hehe...
Need to accompany my parents & sis there..
see ya...
Friday, July 23, 2010
Merry Malacca ii
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Merry Malacca i
Tengok la peghangai gue...malas giler nak pakai baju kurung to wedding yg jauh2..hehe..
With mummy...(memang daku ni muka budak nakal kan?)
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Me & geng scored perfect 10 for our predictions.
Spain take on Netherlands for 1-0....
If am not mistaken, no one predict for Spain vs Netherlands, as most of them predicted the South American teams will won the cup this round.
Hmm...what a coincidence; we predicted correctly & TEPAT pulak tu.
BTW, our prediction was submitted way before Mr.Paul d' Octopus came out with his, ya...our closing date was on 2nd July.
Hahaha...what in the world....
Monday, July 12, 2010
Champion of the World

Sunday, July 11, 2010
World Cup 2010-3rd Place

The 3rd place is officially goes to.... German (Again...)
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
World Cup 2010 Updates iii
4 teams are qualified for the semifinals.
..And by this time, me & geng have completed our 'charity' and our 1st choice of match to be in the final is: Spain vs Netherlands.
We submitted 2 entry form. 1st form, we bet on South America teams i.e. Brazil vs Argentina in the final, & for the 2nd entry, we bet on Europe teams i.e. Spain/Holland.
If Spain won 1-0..wahhhh....
Going back to our semis, as predicted, Holland to swipe it. Yes, they took on Uruguay for 1-0. Robben wif my fav Urugien..haha
As for the 2nd semis between Germany & Spain, surprisingly, Spain has took on Germany for 1-0. waduh2...this is very unpredicted. Bt the way, Spain showed that they really have a strong midfielder, well-controlled of ball & understandings.
Not forgetting, they have one of my fav. keeper-Iker Casillas.
Besides Buffon, I can always count on Casillas in penalties.
Back to the game...
Germans look frustrated. And how cant they be, coz in 2006, they'd loose to Italy which made them finish 3rd, against Brazil
So, in 2010, German will meet Uruguay for the 3rd & 4th placing.
Monday, July 5, 2010
World Cup 2010 Updates ii
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Dont Cry For Me ..Argentina...

Thursday, July 1, 2010
World Cup 2010 Updates i

Group A: Uruguay & Mexico (unexpected for Uruguay-this is suppose to be France)
Group B: Argentina & South Korea (congrates S.Korea, at least a rep. for Asia)
Group C: USA & England (why must it be so much hu-ha on Englands ability to proceed to 2nd round? hmm)
Group D: Germany & Ghana
Group E: Netherlands & Japan (huye for Japan!!-another Asia's rep)
Group F: Paraguay & Slovakia (Slovakia really cant fit in, it was just Italy's imperfect/poor performance)
Group G: Brazil & Portugal
Group H: Spain & Chile