Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Merry Malacca i

Hmmmph... a backdated story again...
It was somewhere in June, the whole family went to Malacca for a wedding.
The kids at the kenduri day. All are mum's cucus, all in, except for the boy. He refused to take pics.
Cheezeee..with some of family members the other day.
Photo-photo time.
Tengok la peghangai gue...malas giler nak pakai baju kurung to wedding yg jauh2..hehe..
own shoot-lihat lah, berpeluh2..

We checked-in at one of apartment nearby bandar hilir.
..night time, dinner at Medan Ikan Bakar-even, i'd forgetten where it was, huhu
But it was not that bad, coz the service is quite fast tho orang ramai giler, almost full-house.

With mummy...(memang daku ni muka budak nakal kan?)
The foodies that night
Eat till your bloat!!

Among the participant that night.
..and more...
The jubilant kiddos. So happy since she's surrounded by her cousins..

After the dinner, we plan to ronda2 Malacca town...more pics in my next posting,
-to be continued-

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