Tonite....its between German & Uruguay.
My vote goes to German & even the famous Mr.Paul had also choosen German's flag

Tonite..its between these 2..Forlan & Klose...(but sorry, Klose is not playing- missed the match)
But, FYI, Uruguay is the 1st World Cup champion, hoccay?
German won 3-2. Too bad Forlan's final free kick hit the post. Else..there'll be extra time!!! Yayyy...I love extra-time when it is a weekend match, hehe..

The 3rd place is officially goes to.... German (Again...)

The 3rd place is officially goes to.... German (Again...)
Congratulations, they showed a really good match. Fast pace & so much of attacking, but I guess the Spaniards managed to read their game.
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