Saturday, December 4, 2010

Singapore Day 1

Yes...finally able to complete my Spore's Day 1.

We depart early, perhaps around 8am. Went to Nusaputra for breakfast, etc, then we start heading South at around 9.30am. Its raining almost the whole of the journey.
We took the 2nd link (exit at 'Tuas'), so we didnt passed J.Bharu, but straight to the checkpoint instead.

Its around 1.30pm. Mostly are Singaporean cars, with few of J.B's plat numbers. KL's plat..urmm..hardly be seen.


Imigration checkpoint.

This is our first experience entering S'pore with own vehicle.
We need to buy the 'Auto-pass', i.e. similar to our T&Go. Bought it for 15sgd (i think so). Plus..few minutes of tutorial session, as we need to know how to use it. When/where to top-up etc...btw, it can be top-up at any 7-11, around Spore.

Heading to the hotel straight-Hidup menjadi mudah bersama GPS., :)

Madame co-pilot

Checked-in to our hotel (around Orchard Rd.)
Relax awhile, freshen-up & straight to Sentosa/Universal studio for the firework show.

Views around S'pore

Universal Studio Singapore (USS)

On Friday & Saturday, theres a firework show in USS.
With only 5dollar, we can enter the USS at 7pm. But the Q started since 6pm.
Some of views in USS at night.
left: the Far far away castle....nice eh..
Actually nothing much to do, besides dinner & taking pictures.
Basically, only 'New York' and 'Hollywood' towns are open at night. As for the rest, it can be entered during the day time only, ya...
The fireworks started at about. 9.30pm.
(the show was so-so, but not bad....this is just my poor cam.)
We left 'bout 10pm..the best part is....
the parking there cost us..19.90sgd!!!!...whoaaa...hehe...
hmm.cuba conver..agak2 dah baper tu, muahaha....
Views around Orchard Rd. at night...
This is paart of e reason going to Spore around the x'mas.

..more story next time...

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