Monday, February 14, 2011

12th Anniversary

Hye all, I've been pretty lagged with my blog lately.
Goshhh...i do sit in front of the screen everyday, but its all 'bout cafeworld, mall world or cafe ville, or perhaps some ipod's updates.
This is actually posted on 4th March.
Without me realizing, this is my 12th year being 'wifey' to mr.H (btw, mr. H's actual name doesnt with any H at all). I guess H stands for Hubby, haha.
Its been an awesome 12 years with him, but of coz wif lots of colors, tipu la kalo tak bergado2 kan...but normally it wont prolong that much.
H is someone who will normally just ignore my 'wind'(or, could be an ignorance?) and turned into mute. So, i'll automatically tuned into a 'cool' mood. BTW, i'm also one 'cool dude', so i hardly scream at him (i guess, hahah). Most of times, i'll turned mute as well.
In the end, we just get over it, but most of the time, the problem/situation wont solve as we dont really argue 'bout it. That's the setback.
But so far we dont have any major issue, so arguing 'bout not carrying kid's bag, or arguement over rubbish bin were all just be gone, and never be solved. And...thats the reason it is going on, forever!!! hahah!!
So, H,
let us be cool, and do the best for us and the people around us. Te quiero,
Honestly, i'd forgotten what we've done, or where we've been that day, haha..

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