Friday, January 28, 2011

Oh Me

Lately, I'm damn busy, let me list some ongoing tasks:
1. Blog was not update for 'bout a month.
2. I've yet to share my Singapore's surprise (in my blog)
3. Pile of laundry are waiting, and the height rises whenever we're away during the weekend, and of coz, it wont just stop there.
4. A basket of clean laundry to be folded
5. Office's assignment: ada 16, 8 need to be completed in Feb., + other ad-hoc tasks happily given to me; which I'd also took it with a not so huge smile (kira anggap pahala je la ni), and not forgetting those charity jobs and free question-answer-advise sessions..huhu.
For whatever it is, I'm truly believe in - 'God knows everything'
(Just hoping I'm heard, hehe)
6. My daughter - and her exam soon, in Sept.
7. Currently reading 3 books
i. Ms. Bloomwood in Manhattan (Kinsella S),
ii. Anas Zubedy's Quran & I
iii. Amy Knapp's
(Another pile of books are still waiting too, huhu - & I'd purposely refrain from buying the latest Nicholas Sparks, urghhh....)
8. 3 cross-stich projects in hand
9. A 1000 pieces puzzle - only 'bout 10% completed
10. What more, my cute little angels- which need to be cuddled everyday

Phewww...lets stop here, I dont wanna list it no more.

BTW, I'd looked for Guns N' Roses-Use Your Illusion II just now. Couldnt get it.
Hmm...should remember to buy 1.
So this need to be considered as no. 11.

12. My Cafeworld, Mallworld, Cityville, Sims3 & iPod...hahahah....

Fuh, what a list to start in 2011!!
As U2's Bono puts it : 'A Moment of Surrender'

o' my....

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