Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sepang Circuit F1 2011

Hye..not much of updates, eh?

Hmmm, I was either too busy or lazy to upload my pics here, hehe.

So..this was somewhere early of April this year, or it was on 9th and 10th April to be exact, that the world is turning here, at Sepang, for another round of F1.

So, we went there on both Saturday and Sunday. It was a tiring weekend actually. I was exhausted for almost 5 days after that, uh.

On the 2nd day, i.e. the actual day, we went there wif my sis, and left my eldest with my parents. She gotta baca buku k...

Scenes around Sepang that day.

BTW, it was indeed, a very beautiful day. It was not that hot, and it was not raining either. Unlike the usual F1 day, it was damn hot!!
So, we are quite lucky the other day.

I brought my 'pareo' as mat, so we'd tergolek2 n baring2 while waiting for the race to start. BTW, best jugak if tak duduk kat grandstand nih, its a bit spacious, so takle paneh sangat.

Some of the happy crowds,

I admire this guy. Just him n his son. So sweet n sempoi...

And jangan tak tau, there's a family of 5, with all their luggages etc. They came all they way from India tuh, to support the India Team. Jangan memain..


My team la kan...wehooo!!!



Circuit's marshall


This was what cannot be changed.

I wonder why everyboday cant clear their own rubbish. Huh, this was shameful. I wonder when Malaysians can change this.

So..thats part of my day, the other day.

For the record-my bestest moment the other day was during the national anthem. Yup, I'm proud to be Malaysian...tapi dalam hati, even more proud if i sang the national anthem for the world cup...bestnye if it is possible, ghee....

Bye...sayonara...see u again next year..

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