2oo8 - The faces
T-sumwhere in March 2008
T-sumwhere in March 2008

T with sis's support - asking a hair dryer from me 
T - the pirate version
Her sis suddenly wanna has some graffiti on her younger sis face..hmmm..Clean her up and we went out later on.

At Carrefour..udah la muka cenggitu, nak pulak pakai gayung..aduss...she wont let the gayung off.

Ok, now we move on to those memorable events of 2008. Cant really recall what happened in Jan and Feb, but surely know that my eldest is now in standard 3. 

Then, after we tick our votes, me and entire family went to A'Famosa, Malacca. Cant recall if this is my 2nd or 3rd time here.
We rent bungalow with private pool there.
Nite time, went to the cowboy town. Sorry, malas nak post pic...as usual, the parade and fireworks lighten up the nite.

My Padang/Bukit Tinggi trip. Shop..and shp..and shop...on 2nd day, duit dah abes, sampai dah guna RM..hehhe..ganas tul...coz actually i dont expect to shop a lot in the 1st place, but looking at those kain2..waduhhh..tercabar poket gue...

At Istana Selinduang Bulan. (Minangkabau's old palace)
We experience the fish spa the 1st time ever this year and this is in August.
Maybe we can start with election in March '08. The long awaited election maybe, for the opposition party.
Some of pics of campaign around my house. But i dont vote here, i vote at my mum's area, just a neighbourhood adun.

Another side of pic's of above story.
Actually wanna share the latest pic of the same location, and how it looks like now. Just compare how harmony and fresh the surrounding of the above pic compare to below. Why, will share this later.
Another pic from my vote pics collection.
Beautiful and greeny rite? Note the red atap on the left? It is actually a wakaf where the bungalow's owner park their car.

Check the red atap wakaf on the left. The wakaf's bungalow had wiped-out. Bungalow on the left is actually their neighbor. And I cant even recall how those affected bungalows look like.

History is made. We sign up for a hse sumwhere at the puchong/cyberjaya border. Really spacious (22' x 90'), 3300sf and each room comes with a private bath. Thats why we've chosen this. The turn-off, no split wet/dry kitchen, but thats ok, i still can split the long kitchen.

ini show house ok..bukan rumah daku...pic via my hp, tak cun langsong. Actually the signing is in conjunction with H's birthday, which is on April 20th.

Then in May, we made a trip to Krabi, Thailand.
A wonderful visit..and its worth our each penny.
At the Krabi town.
To those who are new to krabi, just wanna let u know, krabi is surrounded by muslims too, could be 70% of population are muslims, so the food is not a problem for us.
We stayed at Ao Nang. The most popular beach, about 30mins from Krabi town.
Spent 5days there..with 2 days of island hoppings and 1 day for our mainland trip.
One of the island. Forgot its name. Maybe can check my earlier postings.
At Phi phi don where we stop for lunch. Surprisingly, muslim yg masak food tu..apalagi bedal secukup rasa la. One thing for sure, rugi if tak makan nasik masa kat Thailand.
At Phi Phi Island. The island where Leornado d' Caprio played The Beach. Idak la cantik sgt pun..ok la...but definitely not a place for snorkeling.
In June 2008, the time for my most awaited event - Euro 2008.
As usual, daku yang hantu bola berjaga setiap malam, then datang opis pakai spek, coz nak cover mata yg dah taleh nak mukak, huhu...slept at 5am almost every nite.
I'm mati keras kipas (die h.f) for Italia..dunno why...since kecik2 and it turned worst since '96 euro..coz at that time italia was splurged with 'beutiful guys', hehe..canna, nesta, totti, maldini...actually i admired maldini the most.
Sungguh la daku bongkak masa they became the world champion in 2006, (tp maldini dah takde masa tu)hehe...saja je sebenar nya coz nak bagi my fren hangin..muahaha..
lucky I dah apply leave awal2 just for world cup finale, tak sangka lak team gue champ, hihi...
Ok, back to Euro 2008, Italia cuma sampai qtr-finals, loss to Spaniard in penalty kick off. So, bye2 Italia....kuda tua dah takleh di harap..maybe its time for more handsome guys...phewittt...

July - theres a new arrivals in the family. My 2nd bro dpt baby boy. The 1st grandson for my mum/dad.

At Ngarai Sianok (Sianok canyon). Bukit Tinggi is a cooling place ya...the temp. could be around 17-18c on day time and can drop to 16c at nite.
Dunt forget the olympics too...mesmerizing china....
T's birthday is on September 6th.
Another trip to PD in November ( i think so).
H fishing's trip -

T's birthday is on September 6th.
We failed to launch a party last year as T and my mum kena sakit mata, so no celebration. And this year...just a simple family gathering.
Happy burstday T...I buat cup cakes tu taw...awww....
Raya...maybe can refer to my raya's posting.
Then...H bought these for me....as i complete my paper. Mende yg achik mimpi2 dulu..skang ni tak mimpi2, dapat la polak.....boleh la, utk buat layan tension....
where? i cant recall...nelayan tegar...catch n release je...mana de bawak balik..daku pun tak ingin....

my tiny garden nak kena selit gakkk...malang nya pokok keembung tu dah arwah skang ni. Naseb ada gambo...
Another important event in November; my graduation day...grad jogak budak malas nih..wakaka..
Family day - my mum's side. held it at Langat.
the sukaneka

Then, on 6th December, we received shocking news 'bout the disasterous event.
The same location - now. The bungalow dah kena 'clean-up'
We decided to evacuate coz no more electricity, and soon there'll be no water supply and lift. Takkan haku nak panjat tangga & duk dlm gelap, furthermore cant charge our hp, and laptop batt can only last another 2 hour or less.
By the time we evacuated, I totally have no idea 'bout how major the catastrophy is. Ingat kan sikit2 je..rupanya.....

dinner & free entertainment from our cousin yg join the sehati berdansa..ingat free show je ker...kena la vote jugakkkk..ok la...sedangkan zahid, amelia yg tak kenal haku ni pun, haku bersunggoh vote, takkan kezen sendrik tak vote, ye dak...
Tranquil and serenity arround my condo.
Haku baekkk punya tido, tak sedor yg helikopter dah lalu-lalang sebelah kondo gue, hihihh...ni la akibatnya bila tido dah dinihari.
The disaster area. Actually that is a vacant bungalow.
By the time we evacuated, I totally have no idea 'bout how major the catastrophy is. Ingat kan sikit2 je..rupanya.....
Need to climb up to Antheneum to be connected to the outside world.
H muka tgh menggelabah n penat. Macam gi camping lak daku rasa...kuikuikui...sunggoh takde perasaan gabra haku nih...Lepaking at my mum's till end of December.
Then, another family day gathering, from my dad's side - at Kelana Jaya
Meeting my fren, a 'taiko' coming back from for holidays from 'Phaghih'. we're still jokers, as always..thx dude, for those presents...kids, with her kids..
A day after christmas. Visited Signapore..(penuh tul aktibiti gue in december nih).
Buildings there..(sila abaikan pakcik boncit yg sebok enterprem tu. My blog belum lagi masuk category 18sx k..).

At the Merlion
Spent just a nite there..tak tau arr nak round mana kat s'pore tuh...mende2 nye mcm suma ada kat KL...sama je...
Buildings there..(sila abaikan pakcik boncit yg sebok enterprem tu. My blog belum lagi masuk category 18sx k..).
At the Merlion
And..as how it goes..my birthday is the wrap for the year..and each year actually....

wishing the best for 2009, aminnn....