Meeting my ol' buddy tonite, at Corus, Jln Ampang.
We arrive there just before 8pm, just at dinner time. So membelasah la while waiting for my buddy and her kids.
We arrive there just before 8pm, just at dinner time. So membelasah la while waiting for my buddy and her kids.
My next course - sumting from the grill..yummyyyy!!!

Other foods there. As usual, my stomach just cant fix all. So, just take pic, for our memoir.



Sambil borak, sambil makan.
T, posing for me.
Time to posing2 with the kids
My 2 angels.
The whole troop. Thanx to my fren's bro, yg tolong snap this pic. Its really nice, si kenit tu la pulak, muka dah kena block by the flowers.
Freestyle time!!!!! my doters' favourite pose.
Final pose before we dismiss. See how small T (3 1/2 yrs) compared to my fren's doter (not yet 3). As usual, T will always petit as she's be.
We had a gud time that nite. To my fren, thanx for showing up..and thanx to the kids too, they're all well mannered. Tau plak mak dia nak berborak...bravo!!!

Thanx aunty A...
Other foods there. As usual, my stomach just cant fix all. So, just take pic, for our memoir.
Then ol'd buddy arrived with her kids and bro.
My classmate yg kamcheng..the only gud buddy in my class during my high schools dayz. We used to laugh a lot, kacau2 org, kamcheng with the boys...etc..
So, its time to check on each other, flashing back those memories and to have big laughs together.
F (9 years) and her son (6 yrs). How theres not much difference between 2 of them. Well, F is actually a bit small in size.
And, thanx for the presents too..they both love it!!! F straight away browsing this book on the same nite. If I'm not mistaken its about the 'all year round book'. So, lots of 'everyday things' inside.
Love it!! fact daku pun sebok browsing sama..the weird part of me, i love menelaah words yg daku tak paham.
Book for T. Tak tau tajuk, but really a lovely one.
Aduhhh terlioq aku tgk food iteww
"Lisa joue la maitresse" meaning Lisa playing the teacher
Oh-ho...Lisa playing the teacher...
-thot so...coz memang pic gambo main cikgu-cikgu...
anyway, thnx for all the gifts. my kids love it so much, thx!
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