Sunday, December 21, 2008

Balek kampong

Went back to in-law's this weekend.
We arrived there around 2.30pm. Unfortunately, dont snap any pics while we're there.
Finally manage to enjoy some naps..fuhhhh.dah berkurun lama since i dont have any nap in the noon. (the hidden fact - poor internet connection plus tv has been conquered by kids. Further, nothing much to do..rumah orang, tido je lar kan??)
So, spending my time reading F's Doraemon's komik & go zzzz....damn it, forgot to bring my book, so have to read the Doraemon..jadik la...
T, on the way back to KL.. with muka yg dah start lalok.
start dahhh...
zzzzzz...all the way till KL.Straight away to Ampang Point to buy F's school's uniform. Gone rm300+ for the uniform & shoes. Baru sorang tu, cant imagine if others with 3 , 4 schooling kids. Goshh..and that doesnt include her 2 kain biru lagi tu...koman2 pun, another rm50..perghhh....
Siap nyopping, tea time @ McD. Had my prosperity burger...yummy..the long awaited burger, setahun sekali je dpt nih...slurpss..
Then, we decided to went back to BA. Pity my plants, been dried out for a week!, huhu...
The new access..siap traffic light lagik...its because theres one part (at the bridge) there where only 1 car can pass by at 1 time.
The kids quickly grab their toys to bring back to granny's. We missed our home...its so cooling...few neighbors have moved back as our condo has been declared safe. We'll move back somewhere during the holidayz.

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