After office, fetch the kids and went to Ampang Point to buy F's school's sarung.
Then, have dinner at the Lemongrass, just opposite the Yamaha store.
Then, have dinner at the Lemongrass, just opposite the Yamaha store.
Abes makan, I'd simply said 'what a nice guitar', pointing to one kapok in cream colour.
Then, H said - jom tengok? (wahhh..dis is good -kata hati ku, hehe..)
He straight away went to the electric guitar section, while I went directly to the cream colour guitar earlier...huh..RM750..the heck???...ops, its Yamaha, no wonder..
beatiful, rite?

sesi pilih-memilih

Bought a simple one, as am not a professional either.
Just wanna suka2..thanx H..u've made my crazy dream came true...
I remember when I wanna spent my 1st ever bonus pay in my life for an electric guitar. Too bad, I need it to spend on sumting else, huhu...
But today, he presented me these, and two in a row...
my dream item, ever...
kena brush-up my skill balek nih...
H seems enjoying it too (rasanya sure dia yg nak sebenarnya nih..)
Things have change, dont feels like I have the time to strumming this, its just nothing compared to those days...
Waaaaaaaaaaaa ko terror main gitar yer .... nanti leh mainkan tak time aku candle light dinner ngan pakcik wakakakakaka
hehe..tak le terel giler...tapi tau la sket2...takat lagu twinkle star tu boleh la kot..ahaks,
Tabik spring jugak lar ...
spring dah loose, hahah..
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