Its deepavali off day...yadaaaa!!! oh how I love off day. How I wish it is always 3 off day in a row. 4 working days, 3 off day..wahhh....sounds marvellous.
I really wanted to paint the grill for our balcony. H told that there no hardware shop on public holiday..sighh..i really wanna do that since the fasting month! Btw, i want to paint it apple green, but the building mgmt sure gonna fine us, @%*&$^ if we paint it out of norms, what the f...
Spend whole day at home, but H decides to KLCC around late evening (as if there's no other place to hang out).

H need to find the right Crocs as his fishing gear. Couldnt find any. Bought few pyjamas for T. She's out of grown fast!
spot this cute guess kids ad in Isetan. The girl in light blue hat is really gorgeous! ..and the chinese look girl...damn cute..

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