Tuesday, October 21, 2008


These few days, H just couldnt stop talking 'bout bikes. He'd even visited few motorbike outlets.

Types that he adore.

Not sure this is under which category, is it 'chopper'? Well, i just dont fancy bikes, I am more to cars perhaps. So, kind of loss when it is about bikes.

By the way, me n fairy just dont buy he's idea.

Its really funny when F told him:

"Apa la daddy ni, orang yg pakai motor, semua nak pakai kereta. Daddy lak, nak pakai motor. Dah la kecik, naik 2 orang aje, panas lak tu"

...haha...I'd never think of that.. its just that, haku ni gayat naik motor...hua..hua..rasa cam kepala lutut atas jalanraya...

Its just normal for him to talk 'bout bikes, day n nite.

Coz I know him, this month he'll be talking about big cars, next 2 months, about SUVs, and even visited the showroom and its no surprise when he talks 'bout bikes 3 months after that. Probably it is the small plane, in the next 3 years. It is just him.

As usual, we're off opposite attract. When he likes the chopper/vulcan type, I love those superbikes...

tapi suka tengok je lar...mahu naik kalu, at 120mph...ampun...5 minit boleh la kot. more than that...huhu..
Its only once in my life that I'd rode on CBR at 120mph, probably around 5 to 10mins...ampon..ampon....i just cant.
this is really nice...
bmw..just dont ask me the type, am completely loss.

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