Back to school day...after lots of happening during the break.
F is in standard 4, time to focus more on her study.
Lunch at B.King, nearby our house.
She still didnt know which class she suppose to go; and the school dont even forward the report card on the last final semester. So, all students must be in her last year's class. I check the board there, lucky F jump into a better class, with a better result. Kalo turun class...siap ko..penat daku buat besday party & bawak ko jln2 taw.
(my stupid camera buat hal lagik)
We drove by Putrajaya link and spot this beautiful clouds and scenery.
the highway

jauh tul la...
Went to the Mgmt office to pay those deposits and then stop by to visit the house.
the show unit

jauh tul la...
the show unit
Views from Precint 2 main road. Lucky theres a wall to block direct viewing to our house.
dah sampai...the guard house
the house - no. 2A...Z.A???..hmm.just nice perhaps...
Our unit. Apa makna besi yg terkeluar2 kat atap tu..tak tau la daku...semak aje..
Views in front of our unit. Sure panas berdengung nih..haiyo..sah2 kena air-cond 24 jam ni.
Went back, and directly go to Jusco A.U- buying new washer. The one yg ada sekarang dah start kong la...decide to buy the Bosch. (mampos la nak kena angkut time pindah nanti..huahua..)
They only have the 7kg, my existing washer is 11kg..huhu..kena la basuh sikit2 camni...then, need to send my comforter to dobi la after this..machine tak muat...huhu..malas nyerrr...
note-pic cilok, coz malas nak snap my own..its the same model i think.

Waaaaaaaaaa rumah busat lepas ni waaaaaaaaa
takde la busat mana..cukup la utk we all, jemput datang na....
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