We're into movies lately. Watched it for almost each week.
The latest one, the Inkheart. A story where Brandon Fraser has the ability to make those characters in story book he read comes into reality. Nice one, except that its not that much of fairy tales as what i'm expected.Cilok punye pic. Wonder why it showed released in march 08.
Watched it at Pavillion...and while there, ternyopping lak @ Zara..errr..err...well, its not included in the banned product rite...so, its still ok, rite?
Another movie, watched it somewhere middle of Jan. Thot it was sort of fairies kind of movie, actually, a hilarious one..u know, when there's adam sandler...hehe.. love this part - raining buble gums..
Theres 4 straight off-days due to chinese new year..yippa...how its sooo nice to have a free leaves...need not to come to office, and yet still can save our annual leave...well, thats a lot!!!! best nyer...
Spend time for jalan2 around KL. Decide not holidaying anywhere as everuwhere will definitely packed with people and same goes the traffic.
At KLCC. When it comes to posing, i'll salute this girl.
Cute lar anak ko pose camtu .. pandai plak tu buat kat gambo kartun tu ..
biasa la budak tu..if ber-posing, serah je la kat dia..
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