Whoaa...what an outdated posting.
Took me a while to update these photos...and with the bad connection..huh..lots of patience required.
So, held F's birthday party on the 3rd of Jan. Actually, her birthday was on 8th Dec. My original plan is to have the party at my condo's pool on 13th Dec, and wanna invite (some already invited tho) tons of frens.
Well, its just our plan, who knows the access to my condo has turned into ground zero on December 6??..too bad..need to cancel everything. Anybody wanna come for party on Dec. 13th, I dunt think so.
So, here we are, planning for new date and venue. To make things easier, just have it at my mum's. Actually this is our 2nd time calling-off a party. Last year, I've invited some cousins for T's party. Nak jadi cerita, T, my niece & my mum got sore eyes. So, gotta cancel it, otherwise other kids pun kena pulak. So, we just had a small one at my place..with a 2kg cake..huh!!!
Getting ready...H, the balloon maker...buat halfway, and just left it..grr.
the cake & collect cookies. Part of party packs. these are for the girls. Yg belah kiri, nampak sikit2 tu, for the boys & strawberry shortcakes pack for babies.
What do we have there? well, sweets and cookies of course, a sticker, a badge: princess badge for girls and spongebob for boys..bottle of bubbles, mask, party hat and a thank you card.
Sorry, no bubbles for babies k..
requested by F (pandai2 je dia order kat aunty dia without my knowledge)
people around us
Those happy faces that day
Cousin's son
H's brother
Brother and s.i.l (the cheese-cake maker)
their daughter - Eli*
Cousin's baby boy
Our entertainer that day. Guests love him..hmm..berbaloi daku bayo...naseb baek...
My Princesses
most busy baby of the day - Mr. Mickey mouse...
The cake..
my fav choc indulgence by Secret Recipe..yummy..
Cake by my 2nd bro - thanx, banana choc, also by SR.
susah nya nak handle kids..
getting ready...F and her best-cousinExcited tul korang yea...
beautiful moment
happy birthday my dear...actually i posted the video here, but it wont captured, each time!!..wonder why...grr..
tiup..tiup...3 blows, fuhh..fuh..fuhh..yayyy!!!!!

cake cutting
pose dulu....

this prove that actually makcik2 pun sebok join jugak...
games - the mummies
mummy in the making

guess what will come out
walla!!!!!...baper bulan tara basuh ni???
one thing for sure all the kids memorize these:
clown-"whats the magic words???"
kids - "yeah...yeah..yeah..." (rhythmic)
Mr G requesting kids to colour the book
Clown - who can bring me 'white hair' the fastest???
Habes la atuk nih...hehe.
3rd stop...make it more smaller pleaseeeee
the final stop, just stand on 1 foot & carry the kids u accompanied...gosh..

ok guys...thats all for the day...posing time!!
For some reason, me n cousins - we're a whole bunch of people who's always gone mad when it comes to group photo..ow my...
Thanks for all the presents...F love it all sooo much

And thanks to Auntie A for the 'early' presents, prior to the party. I know u're rushing back for your love one ya....have a gud time there...bon voyage..
Kids love it...they're busy 'cooking', especially T. hehe.. thanks auntie!!!!

T got something too....thanks...

so, embarrasingg....

the canopy at nite...
well, its time to clean up
Thanx for turning-up for F....till our next party...
To me...this is the only time when F enjoys her birthday party and frens around her...One day, she might wont be at home and celebrates her birthday elsewhere..with her frens.
Well to me, I must cherish every moment, and enjoy it while I can, as it wont turn back,no matter what, even for a second.
Waaaaaaaaaaaa so grand lar birthday dia and food so damn delicious .. mcm menyesal lak tak pegi
ala..takde la grand sangat..biasa je..food sodap, aku la yg takde selera nak makan...its ok, maybe can join next time..
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