Our final day.
Breakfast at the hotel, with the same menu, huhu..this is the only laid back of the hotel.
Pack up and leave around 11.30am.
Final views of the hotel.

Kids final post at hotel's compound.

Our 1st stop for the day:
Ye Old Smoke House

Such a beautiful english serene

Had our afternoon tea there

..and T had an ice cream

Had our tea at the terrace.

Nice stand - a must have for my new hse.
Inside the cottage.
As usual, sure nak nyelit, the minute i'm ready for shooting.

Around the smokehouse. Probably will create 1 entry for the smoke house; to share more pics.

Then, heading for nurseries - utk cuci2 poket.

bought this plant - but park it at dad's garden. Heheh..i am not capable in handling fragile plant yet.

Like these plants. This is sumting new..
Bought a small one for RM25. The one in below pic cost RM45.

close-up (too bad i forgot its name)

beautiful daffodil-dont wanna risk my pocket buying this, heh.

Shop for fresh produce.

fresh flowers

only spent less than rm30 for fresh flowers-all roses, of course...
(but spent a lot on potted plants, huh)
Aku jeles betul lar ngan ko nih .. jalan sana jalan sini ..
ala..bukan jln ke europe, u.s ke..cameron jek...hihih...jalan2, 'washing my eyes' only...
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