Saturday, February 14, 2009

Precious Moment


So happen that our anniversary falls on the valentine's day where those flowers got freaking expensive, huh.
It was Saturday, so got up late as usual, and went to KLCC. our fav resto directly for brunch.
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kiddo fav bread.
T loves it, she can even eat the butter just like that...eeeekk...
H with his black pepper steak, and me, ordering the valentine's set meal. Damn, forgot to bring the camera, so have to rely on my phone, sob..sob..
The entree:
Crab cake with mustard mayo
Leeks and potato soup
The main course:
Grilled cod with herb potatoes, vege and sauce
Choc fudge with haagen-daaz vanilla

finally....something that i havent shared with anyone....

The otai's wedding....
at my mum's-on 14th feb.

makan time...sungguh la tak terasa lapar langsong masa ni..
lots of reason for not to be hungry, penat sangat pun iye jugak..
a week later...

Attention-My wed was wayyyy back before the Y2K. So pls dont compare it with any canggih wedding nowadays , heheh..

..and H, muka cam budak form 4 pun ada gak.

Sorry, pic tak clear sgt, i just snap from the album, dont have the time to scan, huh.

so how?...especially on the body-building much diff. rite?, hahah...

chiest la vie, bebeh!

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