Friday, February 13, 2009

LovE oF My LifE

My 10th anniversary is coming..real soon.
How do I feel after the 10th year together?
Well, i dont really know the answer, but to me, my life is good, happy, life with the girls are fantastic.
Thank god, we are part of trizillions (ada ka?) lucky people in the world.
Living with H?
H is sumone who's always 'right' all the time. But he's not the kind of fussy/'cerewet' guy.
The whole world knows, men are from mars, and women, the venus. I guess thats part of risk in living with the guys.
And me, I choose to ignore those small issues, just dont wanna crack my head on those things.
To me, i just take it all, coz God knows well.
Happy anniversary.


Nad said...

Happy anniversary to you guys

Crazypixie said... tak caya jek...
terasa tua la plak..hik..

comey_lote said...

I believe that partners need to be different with each other. That's how they complete each other. Happy Anniversary :-)

Nad said...

Terasa tua but still look young takper ..

Crazypixie said...

yup comel..absolutely true. And i think most of my frenz are like that. Guess, its all fated, as i said, Dia lebih mengetahui kan?..

Crazypixie said...

Anor - jgn lupa, acik nyer trademark - "i'm stop ageing at 25",, ahaks...