Friday, May 22, 2009

My Sims2

This time, wanna share the childish part of me:
My enthusiasm towards the Sims.
It started since the year 2002, with 'The Sims'.
Managed to collect all expansions and the last one is 'Makin' Magic'.
Then, somewhere 2005(is it really 2005?) EA released the Sims2 which is more lookalive and has a 3D vision.
Again, falling in love...beli game ori...ntah la, think I'd spend almost 1k for it kut?
So, here are some of my sims 2. Mem of the house- a Mayor.
Official daily transport to her office: a chopper. Yihaaa..

Ground floor of the house
It has a homegrown business which contributes a lot to the family $$$.

Its almost 2 mths that I didnt plug my sims. damn busy. And if u guys wondering when can i spare my time for these, well, its only during the late nite till the wee hours. kesian kan?


zz said...

design for nusaputra hse pls

Nad said...

Ina, ko ni buat aku teruja lar nak main balik ... dah berapa lamaaaaaaaaaa dah tak main hu huuu

Paling best bila diorang beromen muahahaha

comey_lote said...

whaaa nak main jugak!!!!!!!!!!! I loooveee the sims

Crazypixie said...

zz, nusaputra, later..if i'd only have the time..huhu...

Crazypixie said...

la.. u pun 'kaki' sims gak ke? kakaka..kawan2 ku..hadoi...

pc depan mata je..apalagi...kasik on je la...aku ni, if dah start main sims, alamatnya ngggak tido malam dong...